Wise Words

By Sarah Bohn, CFB Member and social media contributor
Friends, I’m on a path in life right now where parenting takes up 99.9% of my time. I read parenting articles and studies, listen to Christian parenting podcasts as well as actually raise my two small children. That’s just where I’m at right now. Don’t misunderstand me, I genuinely love the privilege of being a mama.
But oh the struggles that come with it. The holy burdens. Because, you see, I’m not called to simply keep my children alive. That would be simple. I’m called to teach them to dwell and thrive on the goodness of God.
But what about when my fournado tells me I’m “the worst mama that ever was!?” What then? I’m not supposed to just lackadaisically say “Jesus loves you, sweetest child” and motor on with my day. I’m supposed to teach her that God wants more of her and for her and then point her to that truth in the Bible. Can I be honest though? Pointing my children to the Word is not my knee jerk reaction when I’m being faced with downright snotty behavior. My immediate reaction is anger, vehemently scolding and punishment. I can tell you that none of those have helped my daughter be more holy. None of those have helped me be more holy. I have been SO convicted of this of late. How do I extend God’s grace to my children with discipline that isn’t fueled by rage? How do I direct them to the Bible and help them keep its truth in their hearts?
But oh the struggles that come with it. The holy burdens. Because, you see, I’m not called to simply keep my children alive. That would be simple. I’m called to teach them to dwell and thrive on the goodness of God.
But what about when my fournado tells me I’m “the worst mama that ever was!?” What then? I’m not supposed to just lackadaisically say “Jesus loves you, sweetest child” and motor on with my day. I’m supposed to teach her that God wants more of her and for her and then point her to that truth in the Bible. Can I be honest though? Pointing my children to the Word is not my knee jerk reaction when I’m being faced with downright snotty behavior. My immediate reaction is anger, vehemently scolding and punishment. I can tell you that none of those have helped my daughter be more holy. None of those have helped me be more holy. I have been SO convicted of this of late. How do I extend God’s grace to my children with discipline that isn’t fueled by rage? How do I direct them to the Bible and help them keep its truth in their hearts?
"Pointing my children to the Word is not my knee jerk reaction when I’m being faced with downright snotty behavior."
I have found two resources recently that I want to share that have been helping our family do just that.
The first is a resource by Ginger Hubbard who has authored many biblically-based parenting books and resources. I recently discovered her podcast Parenting with Ginger Hubbard and it directed me to a chart she has made that helps parents correct bad behavior and encourage the good in a biblical way. It’s called Wise Words for Moms and it has been an amazing asset for us. It works by listing a behavior - let’s say lying. It then gives you a heart-probing to ask your child, a reproof (how to “put off” this behavior), and then an encouragement (how to “put on” holy behavior) as well as additional scripture to reference. It has been a wonderful tool to encourage not only our daughter to keep scripture in her heart, but us as well.
Which leads me to the second resource.
Deuteronomy 11:18-21 (CSB) says:
“Imprint these words of mine on your hearts and minds, bind them as a sign on your hands, and let them be a symbol on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your city gates, so that as long as the heavens are above the earth, your days and those of your children may be many in the land the Lord swore to give your ancestors."
But how do we teach our children scripture so that they really understand and know how to arm themselves with it? The answer for us has been music. My daughter LOVES to sing and dance. She never stops singing. I actually asked my high school choir director for suggestions for Bible memory verse songs and she led me to Steve Green’s Hide Them in Your Heart album. It is the campiest 90s sounding kids music I’ve ever encountered, but it has inspired so many questions about God’s word and has helped my daughter not only remember scripture but apply it as well.
My hope for my life as a mother is to “speak wisdom and faithful instructions” (Proverbs 31:26) to my children. There is so much more I can do and should do to achieve that, but I’m so thankful for these two tools to help get me on the right track. I hope they bless you too.
The first is a resource by Ginger Hubbard who has authored many biblically-based parenting books and resources. I recently discovered her podcast Parenting with Ginger Hubbard and it directed me to a chart she has made that helps parents correct bad behavior and encourage the good in a biblical way. It’s called Wise Words for Moms and it has been an amazing asset for us. It works by listing a behavior - let’s say lying. It then gives you a heart-probing to ask your child, a reproof (how to “put off” this behavior), and then an encouragement (how to “put on” holy behavior) as well as additional scripture to reference. It has been a wonderful tool to encourage not only our daughter to keep scripture in her heart, but us as well.
Which leads me to the second resource.
Deuteronomy 11:18-21 (CSB) says:
“Imprint these words of mine on your hearts and minds, bind them as a sign on your hands, and let them be a symbol on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your city gates, so that as long as the heavens are above the earth, your days and those of your children may be many in the land the Lord swore to give your ancestors."
But how do we teach our children scripture so that they really understand and know how to arm themselves with it? The answer for us has been music. My daughter LOVES to sing and dance. She never stops singing. I actually asked my high school choir director for suggestions for Bible memory verse songs and she led me to Steve Green’s Hide Them in Your Heart album. It is the campiest 90s sounding kids music I’ve ever encountered, but it has inspired so many questions about God’s word and has helped my daughter not only remember scripture but apply it as well.
My hope for my life as a mother is to “speak wisdom and faithful instructions” (Proverbs 31:26) to my children. There is so much more I can do and should do to achieve that, but I’m so thankful for these two tools to help get me on the right track. I hope they bless you too.
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